30 Quotes About Hustle
1. I played the game one way. I gave it everything I had. It doesn’t take any ability to hustle.-Wade Boggs 2. My hustle is nonstop. I never stop hustling.-Young Jeezy 3. You gotta run more than your mouth to escape the treadmill of mediocrity. A true hustler jogs during the day, and sleepwalks at night.-Jarod Kintz 4. Hustle beats talent, when talent doesn’t hustle.-Ross Simmonds 5. Hustle in silence and let your success make the noise.-Anonymous 6. Lift up the weak; inspire the ignorant. Rescue the failures; encourage the deprived! Live to give. Don’t only hustle for survival. Go, and settle for revival!-Israelmore Ayivor 7. I want the peace in knowing that is wasn’t for lack of hustling that I missed a target for my dream. I want to know that the one thing in my control was under control.-Jon Acuff 8. Quit hating and trying to be like the next man. Get on your own grind and be better than the next man, whether you gotta hustle, work a ...